The Computer Cube

About this project

"The Computer Cube" is a comedy short created in partnership with Jam Roll Studios and Left Handed Radio. 

It combines 2D, mo-cap, VFX, and traditional stop-mo animation.

project Details

This was CCP's first intergration of mo-cap puppetry into a stop-motion environment. In addition to the Computer Cube puppet, which was created with photographs and 3D modeling, CCP provided in-world flat imagery such as post-its, posters, and portraits, as well as 2D computer GFX meant to resemble standard operating systems. To top it off, CCP painstakenly sound-designed the entire piece around the beautiful soundtrack, courtesy of Dan Warren. And, of course, CCP created promotional materials with original logo design, using photographs captured by the stop-motion artist, Alex Kropinak.

